Amit Netanel
Gaming experiences are a passion of mine, and I am designing and developing video games using Unity and C#.
I developed games both professionally and as a hobby through studio work, contract work, Game Jams, and side-projects. While my focus is mostly technical, I also run a Dungeons & Dragons campaign to work on my writing and game design skills.
I have a podcast called “The Transform Movers” in which, alongside my Co-Host and friend Yuri Sokolov, we promote craftsmanship among junior game developers by sharing our experiences and notes from years of blood, sweat, and pixels.
I strive to promote Clean Code principles in the teams I work with since I believe software developers should consider themselves as craftsman, ever learning and improving. I am actively mentoring and actively look for ways to help my team grow.
Before getting into the gaming space, I accumulated experience with several technology stacks, including:
- Fullstack development through Ruby on Rails and AngularJS.
- Server microservices development with the .Net framework.
- Client-side apps on the iOS ecosystem.
- and some other fringe technologies like Scrapy, PhantomJS, and more.
I am always on the lookout for new opportunities and activities, and I actively surround myself with talented individuals, teams, and groups in which I can learn, help others, and make a real difference.
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