Commented on Today is our birthday! 🎂
Send me my stickers. Pretty plz!
Commented on Today is our birthday! 🎂
Send me my stickers. Pretty plz!
Commented on
You can always add type checking with JSDoc but adding to each method and file could take some time and no need to add typescript. But using typescript in my experience is fast and a delightful experience.
Commented on We're hiring! (kind of 🤡)
This is hilarious! Great April’s Fool
Commented on Angular will be merged with Wiz
@rubnperegrina Ng is a name with a great marketing history. I said they should keep it unless they change it to CheeseWiz, but I think that one is taken.
Commented on How I'm Writing CSS in 2024
Tailwind is for lazy people.
Commented on Announcing OverflowAI
A little late in the game, and after banning ChatGPT, Stack Overflow AI. Not surprising but it is welcome.
Commented on Chrome Debugger is easier to use than you might think
This is something that my boss always told me to use. Thanks for reminder me how powerful this statement is and just like you said no configuration and it works.
Commented on 11 Lesser-Known HTML Tags That Can Enhance Your Web Development Skills
Instead of making a sea of <div>s why not use these tags that makes your code more readable. 🙄
Commented on Angular at Google I/O 2023
Wow! Lots of exciting things are happening in the NG world.
Commented on Top 10 (Free) Angular Resources
Great list to start gathering your resources
Commented on 5 AI Coding Tools for Your Engineering Team
I am so surprise you don’t have Codeium one of the best AI Coding tools. It should be in the top of this list as a good alternative to copilot.
Commented on Qwik Reaches v1.0
This sound like is going to be the fastest framework right now. It could problably achive the holy grail of the Lighthouse metrics a perfect 100. Very exciting! 😆
Commented on The History of AI
They were a lot contributions. But this is a nice overall history.
Commented on Discover three.js!
What a great way to learn this awesome 3d library.
Commented on Ten Minute Physics
Great tutorials on the basic concepts of physics based simulation using javascript.
Commented on 3 Free Machine Learning Courses for Beginners
Great way to get started with ML
Commented on Improve your TypeScript Skills with Type Challenges
A great way to keep your TS skills sharp.
Commented on hackclub/sprig: 🍃 Learn to code by making games in a JavaScript web-based game editor.
A great way to learn to how to code and earning a nice custom handheld game console built by Hack Club.
Commented on Harvard CS50 – Free Computer Science University Course
One of the best CS courses in the world and for you study for free. You might not get that Harvard degree in paper but you will retain the Harvard knowledge.
Commented on 7 Cool HTML Elements Nobody Uses
Tags that sometimes us Devs forget that they are there to make your job easier and your markup cool.